We all got ready to visit the San Ramon ashram early Sunday morning. When we reached there we were surprised to see a long line for Darshan tokens. Amazing that on the first day of public Darshan so many people both old-timers and many new faces had come. When Amma enetered the Hall at 10:00am there was not a space left inside the temple. Every nook and cranny had people. Amma saw this and asked people especially those with kids to sit on the stage. Thinking of Her children's comfort to the last minute Amma started giving Darshan and moving faster to accomodate everyone.
When our turn came, after my husband got his hug I couldn't resist asking Amma whether Amma ate the pizza I had left for her the previous evening. Amma looked at me for a minute and then said "Prema Pizza Kayichallo" (Ate the pizza made with love). With joy I was enveloped in Her hug. I don't know if She physically ate the pizza but I was fulfilled! After that the day zipped past on a high note. What a sweet memory for a busy day.
-Sujatha, USA
20 Nov 06