Tuesday, November 28, 2006

miss peace

Just returned home after my 1st retreat w/ Amma in San Ramon. It is very challenging to come back into the world and I miss Amma and the community of peace and love that surrounds Amma. Grateful without measure and no real way to articulate all the love and grace yet. Thank you. Om Namah Shivayah
susanne haugen, ca, usa
27 nov 06.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Prema Pizza

We all got ready to visit the San Ramon ashram early Sunday morning. When we reached there we were surprised to see a long line for Darshan tokens. Amazing that on the first day of public Darshan so many people both old-timers and many new faces had come. When Amma enetered the Hall at 10:00am there was not a space left inside the temple. Every nook and cranny had people. Amma saw this and asked people especially those with kids to sit on the stage. Thinking of Her children's comfort to the last minute Amma started giving Darshan and moving faster to accomodate everyone.

When our turn came, after my husband got his hug I couldn't resist asking Amma whether Amma ate the pizza I had left for her the previous evening. Amma looked at me for a minute and then said "Prema Pizza Kayichallo" (Ate the pizza made with love). With joy I was enveloped in Her hug. I don't know if She physically ate the pizza but I was fulfilled! After that the day zipped past on a high note. What a sweet memory for a busy day.

-Sujatha, USA
20 Nov 06

Friday, November 17, 2006

the Hugging Saint


When Amma received the New York Interfaith Center award, Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) interviewed Amma and published a story and video on their web site. PBS is the US national education television station. To see the article go to:

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Pop Star Amma

International Pop Star Melanie Safka Incorporates Amma’s Teachings

Melanie Safka’s latest song ‘Motherhood of Love’ incorporates the teachings of Mata Amritanandamayi Devi. She had a life-altering experience when she met Amma.

“‘Lokah Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu’ is the only thing I know in Sanskrit,” said Melanie, “and it is in my song to Amma.”

Since 1969, Melanie has released almost one album a year. To date, more than 80 million of her records have been sold, and they continue to sell. UNICEF made her its spokesperson.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Amma on RAI3 news

Italian National TV RAI3, ran a nice "piece" on Amma, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, on her visit to the country.
Milan, Italy (Nov 2-4), 2006 Europe Yatra